Join us
grow, learn and have fun 
in a supportive, like-minded environment
Here's what you'll get when you sign up
Monthly Zoom Book club with a COMMUNITY THAT 
Maybe you had a powerful healing or transformative experience with cannabis. 

Maybe you've gone down the rabbit hole and are uncovering the mounting evidence that cannabis can be extremely beneficial for arriving at, and maintaining health. 

Either way, you know that cannabis is healthy and you're on a mission to learn more and share what you learn with others. We're on that trip too.
a curated list of books that will guide you on your quest to learn more about cannabis
Sure. You can read anything and everything on the internet. And you can buy every book on Amazon and Audible just to find out that half of them are outdated, overwhelming or too boring to read. 

Or... you could join us as we dig deep into our favorite books: the ones we loved, the ones that changed our lives and the ones we pre-ordered 6 months ago and can't wait to read with you.
(but, in a fun way)
Ever buy a book that you're really excited about, only to read a few pages, fall asleep and wake up feeling "too busy to read" the next day? 

Ever had that book gather dust on your end table, looking like it was mocking you every night? Ever put that book onto a shelf so it couldn't judge you anymore?

Even if your relationship with books isn't so anthropomorphized, it's always easier to commit to a book when you know there's a due date. We'll also send you check ins, book club recipes and other surprises and bonuses this winter to keep you motivated and on track with your reading goals.
HOsted by corinne tobias
When I'm not developing recipes for Wake + Bake, coaching and teaching at the Cannabis Coaching Institute, or trying to sneak into a hot spring, I'm reading something (the internet, a great book, the french version of the directions on shampoo bottles). I'm so excited to finally combine my love for the written word and my passion for cannabis education into this new winter book club. 

Sign up today and I'll send you my reading list, access to the online community, and the schedule for our book club meetings. 

During the monthly meetings, I'll guide the group as we discuss new ideas and share cutting edge information about cannabis that we can use to make ourselves (and the world) a better place.

Can't wait to see you there! 

with love,